Once you’ve decided on your accommodation, there are just a few other items you will need to purchase in order to prepare for a new guinea pig. We’ve put together the following list to guide you:
Food Bowl
This should be heavy and untippable, with high sides to avoid contamination – ceramics are ideal.
Water Bottle
Providing water in a bottle keeps it free from contamination. The bottle should have a ‘sipper’ tube, and should be checked and replenished daily.
Hay Rack
Guinea pigs are natural grazers and, like rabbits, need to eat hay to grind down their teeth. Fresh hay can be kept clean and available to your guinea pig at all times by placing a hay rack in easy reach.
Dry pellet food
Guinea Pigs, like humans, cannot synthesise vitamin C, and need to obtain it from their diet. For this reason, other animal pellet food is not suitable, and specialised Guinea Pig food must be purchased. This should be purchased in small quantities and stored in a cool dry place to keep fresh, as the vitamin content will degrade over time.
Hay adds fibre to the diet and helps to grind down teeth. Bales of hay can often be bought at pet stores or alternatively sourced directly from farmers or from country feed stores.