Weighing in…

When you’re involved with the RSPCA, they won’t let you kid yourself when your cat is getting too podgy!

Continue reading Weighing in…

An interesting tail indeed…

Just been chasing Finlay around the front room trying to get some ‘promo’ pics of him. Continue reading An interesting tail indeed…

Lady Loulou’s Fundraising Appeal

This is little Lady Loulou.  She came into our care after being found – along with two siblings – stuck between a wall and a fence.   Continue reading Lady Loulou’s Fundraising Appeal

‘Angus me coat up, will ya?

Pretty much every time I get a different colouring of cat through the door, they become my favourite. After Sid moved in, it was black cats.  “Oh, I have SUCH a soft spot for black cats!”  Then Freya arrived.  “Oh, I have a REAL soft spot for tabbies!”  Soft spot got softer with the arrival of Oscar.  Now, with The Girls, “Oh, I have MEGA soft spot for torties!” Continue reading ‘Angus me coat up, will ya?

Another busy week…

…and a busy Saturday to come with our Quiz Night! A lovely couple popped around to visit The Girls the other evening and it was a roaring success! They could clearly see past the skittishness of the little cats (Flora hiding behind my telly and showing off all the dust bunnies!) – and saw what terrific cats they are. Continue reading Another busy week…

Naughty torties here and there…naughty torties everywhere…! And KITTENS!

Belly Belle has finally popped!  She went into labour late yesterday evening – on Kendall’s bed…wanting Kendall as close as possible the whole time.  Continue reading Naughty torties here and there…naughty torties everywhere…! And KITTENS!

**Taps fingers impatiently**

So we’re all currently on tenterhooks….waiting, waiting, waiting….for little Belle to ‘pop’. Continue reading **Taps fingers impatiently**

Musings from a fosterer

Hello.  Starting a little light-hearted blog from me – as a fosterer with the RSPCA Bedfordshire South Branch. Continue reading Musings from a fosterer