Newsletter April 2019

The April edition of your newsletter is now available, please click below to open it (You’ll need a PDF reader installed to view it) Continue reading Newsletter April 2019

Lady Loulou’s Fundraising Appeal

This is little Lady Loulou.  She came into our care after being found – along with two siblings – stuck between a wall and a fence.   Continue reading Lady Loulou’s Fundraising Appeal

‘Angus me coat up, will ya?

Pretty much every time I get a different colouring of cat through the door, they become my favourite. After Sid moved in, it was black cats.  “Oh, I have SUCH a soft spot for black cats!”  Then Freya arrived.  “Oh, I have a REAL soft spot for tabbies!”  Soft spot got softer with the arrival of Oscar.  Now, with The Girls, “Oh, I have MEGA soft spot for torties!” Continue reading ‘Angus me coat up, will ya?

Another busy week…

…and a busy Saturday to come with our Quiz Night! A lovely couple popped around to visit The Girls the other evening and it was a roaring success! They could clearly see past the skittishness of the little cats (Flora hiding behind my telly and showing off all the dust bunnies!) – and saw what terrific cats they are. Continue reading Another busy week…

Do you have any spare time?

If so our Charity Shop in Ampthill are urgently looking for volunteers. Continue reading Do you have any spare time?

Same branch, new website

Our website has had a overhaul and has been brought right up-to-date. We are still RSPCA Bedfordshire South Branch but now with a new look! We hope you like it Continue reading Same branch, new website

Like a Duck to Water

Millions of ducks farmed for meat in the UK are being denied access to one of their most basic requirements – bathing water! Continue reading Like a Duck to Water

Caring for, and animal stories

Welcome to this months newsletter from the RSPCA Bedfordshire South Branch. This month we have tips on caring for animals, some interesting animal stories, animals needing new homes also read up on the latest campaign, find out what the RSPCA Bedfordshire South Branch are up to and much much more. Continue reading Caring for, and animal stories